Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: p_731_a.tif
Size is 4145, 3189
Coordinate System is:
PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 54S",
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (271914.159999999974389,6123214.030000000260770)
Pixel Size = (1.000000000000000,-1.000000000000000)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 271914.160, 6123214.030) (138d30' 1.82"E, 35d 0'28.82"S)
Lower Left ( 271914.160, 6120025.030) (138d29'58.67"E, 35d 2'12.24"S)
Upper Right ( 276059.160, 6123214.030) (138d32'45.20"E, 35d 0'32.15"S)
Lower Right ( 276059.160, 6120025.030) (138d32'42.11"E, 35d 2'15.58"S)
Center ( 273986.660, 6121619.530) (138d31'21.95"E, 35d 1'22.21"S)
Band 1 Block=416x320 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Cyan
Band 2 Block=416x320 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Magenta
Band 3 Block=416x320 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Yellow
Post by RémiThe color space is l-alpha-beta but I don't think it's related to this
strange behavior.
I suspect that your images are in a non-streamable format. Meaning, you
can't read them block by block, instead you are forced to read the entire
file. Can you paste a gdalinfo of 1 of your file (feel free to modify
coordinates and stuff) it's just to check the image file format.
If I'm right, you can try to convert all your files in GeoTiff format
(using otbcli_Convert with an output file extension equal to ".tif", then
run the Mosaic application over the fresh .tif files and it will work fine
Post by GusTrying to reduce the RAM value seems to have no effect on memory
footprint. If I set it to 1, it grows a lot at first, then the process
seems to progress very slowly. If I set it to 10, it gows a lot at first,
then it does progress increasingly ocuppying memory. It seems to be
independent of your colour space transform, whatever method you choose,
band per band or (I guess you use cieLab?). I'm testing the no
harmonization options that you told (that I had already tried in windows).
It's writing the tiff and seems to be ok but, although it probably will
finish, it's taking a (while slower) progressively increasing amount of ram.
I tested ram parameter in otbcli_HaralickTextureExtraction and it seems
to correctly make use of chunks within parameter.
Just in case, I'm using imagery of this kind, 8bit unsigned integer where
I use 0 as no value (it worked ok for small sets).
Post by RémiFrom this log, it seems like the problem occurs during statistics
To be sure of this, can you please check that the following commands
- otbcli_Mosaic -il /media/gus/Gus/seagrass/3_band/* -out
/media/gus/Gus/seagrass/processed_data/r2_simple_noharmo.tif uint8 -ram 128
- otbcli_Mosaic -il /media/gus/Gus/seagrass/3_band/* -comp.feather
large -out /media/gus/Gus/seagrass/processed_data/r2_feather_noharmo.tif
uint8 -tmpdir /media/gus/Gus/seagrass/processed_data/temp -ram 128
- otbcli_Mosaic -il /media/gus/Gus/seagrass/3_band/* -harmo.method
band -harmo.cost musig -out
/media/gus/Gus/seagrass/processed_data/r2_harmo-band.tif uint8 -ram 128
- otbcli_Mosaic -il /media/gus/Gus/seagrass/3_band/* -harmo.method
rgb -harmo.cost musig -out
/media/gus/Gus/seagrass/processed_data/r2_harmo-rgb.tif uint8 -ram 128
Now, you can try to set a very small RAM value and tell me what's
happening. Set -ram 1 for instance...
Post by GusI tried again last night. OTB 6.6.0 packaged linux version.
Command line: ./otbcli_Mosaic -il /media/gus/Gus/seagrass/3_band/*
-comp.feather large -harmo.method rgb -harmo.cost musig -out
/media/gus/Gus/seagrass/processed_data/r2.tif uint8 -tmpdir
/media/gus/Gus/seagrass/processed_data/temp -ram 128 -progress 1
2018-09-12 03:29:30 (INFO): Computing statistics in a decorrelated
colors space suitable for true-colors
3.15661e+06MB (avail.: 128 MB), optimal image partitioning: 24662 blocks
2018-09-12 03:29:44 (INFO): Estimation will be performed in 18639
blocks of 832x320 pixels
Anyway, after start, used RAM begins to slowly increase until it
occupied my swap space and froze the computer during the night.
[image: Screenshot at 2018-09-12 03-30-10.png]
Post by RémiHello Gus,
-your command line
-the full log
(In a text file, or on pastebin)
What version of OTB, and what OS do you have?
Post by GusThanks, Rémi
Your method works fairly well, the results are really good and
visually pleasant. In fact, I was able to use you app (from gui) for small
subsets of my data, which is a set of aerial pictures of the sea surface
from which the sunglint has been removed.
But, when I feed your program with the complete set (about 2500
pictures, 30 Mb each approximately, 8 bit colour) it fails. Last thing I
can check is that the temporary distance maps have been correctly written,
and that's the last console output. while if Iskip the large feathering
step, it seems to work ok, as in next image using slim blending mode, but
as for large blending, it fails...
[image: sea_1PNG.PNG]
Post by RémiHello Gus,
The RAM parameter deals only with the memory footprint during mosaic
compositing and statistics computation, both streamable pipelines (no
limitation on images size).
However, the distance map calculation (which is a temporary file,
then used as an input of the streamed mosaicing compositing pipeline, just
for feathering) is not a streamable process. Meaning that, for each input
image to mosaic, the distance map will theoretically require the full image
in memory to be processed. That's why there is the
(sampling ratio) parameter. This enables the subsampling of the input
image, to compute the distance map with a smaller footprint. See,
section "Performance tuning: Distance map images sampling ratio".
This is a current limitation of the application, I will add this
explicitly in the application description.
Your problem could also come from the fact that your input images
have not the same projection reference (and leading to a near infinite
image, e.g. if you mix degrees and meters units, or with wrong coordinate
reference system), check this.
Hope that helps,
Post by GusHello everyone.
I don't clearly understand the process followed by the remote
module "mosaic". The memory occupied during some phase after distance maps
calculation for large blending with lab color space harmonization grows a
lot, so I obtain a huge page file and my computer reboots. I checked the
paper and peeked into the code a bit, but I'm not familiar with the
libraries. Is there any way of estimating the ram needed for the process?
Is there a way of overcoming this issue? (probably I will process it in
chunks anyway but that would simplify things quite a lot).
Check the OTB FAQ at
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